Escape the High Cost & Low Service 401(k) World

Does this sound familiar? As a business owner, you work with a friend at the local brokerage or insurance firm to get a 401(k) plan for your company. You are hoping to save money for retirement and provide a benefit to your employees.

You get back to your hectic schedule assuming the broker or agent is taking care of the necessary plan functions. This is how most business 401(k) plans operate. The business owner has no idea of the legal liability or operational requirements associated with the plan. This results in a plan with unaddressed liability, excessive fees, and poor educational opportunities. You can take control of your plan without adding hours of work to your massive to-do list. Just imagine providing better education to your team and reducing your liability while simultaneously lowering your costs.

Are You Gambling With Your 401(K)

Did you know you are required by the Department of Labor to benchmark your plan on a regular basis? You can discover how your plan stacks up to the competition.

Ready to take a look under the hood of your 401(k)?

Receive a complimentary plan comparison

Reduced Fees

Imagine saving up to 50% on your plan costs, which directly leads to higher retirement savings and compliant plans.

Fiduciary Services

Business owners are liable for the 401(k) choices. Reduce your liability by putting the burden on our shoulders.

Ready-to-go Portfolios

Simplify the investment process for your employees and you. Within a couple minutes, you have the ideal portfolio based on risk.

Employee Education

Improve the outcomes for your employees with education – in office presentations, newsletters, videos, podcasts, and self-paced seminars.

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What You Will Discover:

Financial Bloodwork

Low Hanging Fruit

Think in Small Degrees

Define Your Bucket Life

Prepare for the Worst